The feeding system which is developed by a nutritionist German Hoff Mayer faster diet can decrease weight about 10 pounds, or about four kilograms in four days at a rate of kg per day, and that in certain cases have to lose weight quickly is necessary and absolutely vital, so I advise you to consult a specialist doctor Before starting to apply this system!
The system relies mainly on low-calorie foods and low in carbohydrates and fat levels to a minimum while being rich in protein and fiber.
It contains a list of food Hoff Mayer:
Breakfast daily
The fruit of grapefruit or orange medium apple or on an empty stomach + cup of tea or coffee without sugar + a piece of bread toast.
First day
Lunch: 2-piece hamburger or grilled filet + salad (lettuce, tomato) without oil or seasoning + a piece of bread, about 50 grams.
After lunch at 3 hours: medium-sized piece of fruit.
Dinner: boiled eggs well + a little green beans boiled about 250 grams.
After dinner, 3 hours (before sleep): a cup of fresh fruit juice.
Second day
Lunch: piece of meat sheep red about 100 grams (you can use two pieces Burger) + green salad without oil or seasoning + cup of tomato juice.
Dinner: boiled vegetables consisting of (zucchini and cauliflower and green beans).
After dinner, 3 hours (before sleep): apple juice without sugar.
Third day
Lunch: chicken pieces, skinned boiled or roasted (about 100 grams) + green salad without oil or seasoning.
After lunch at 3 hours: the fruit of apple or orange.
Dinner: Hamburger piece about 100 grams + grilled tomatoes.
After dinner, 3 hours (before sleep): a cup of prune juice.
Fourth day
Lunch: boiled eggs well +250 g boiled beans + cup tomato juice.
Dinner: two pieces of hamburger or grilled fillet of about 100 grams + power lettuce.
After dinner, 3 hours (before sleep): cup pineapple juice without desalination.
This method has shown impressive results and a marked decrease in excess weight, especially when you keep up with this system with the practice of sport light suitable start walking quarter of an hour a day.
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