Wednesday, 29 June 2011

How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight?

I want to lose weight . I want to lose weight fast . How many calories should I eat to lose weight? The answer depends on many factors, there is no magic number, if you will. Someone recommended daily intake of calories to lose weight will depend on factors such as height, current weight, the muscle-fat ratio, etc. However, there are some general rules that apply.

If you are wondering, “How many calories should I eat to lose weight?” A great place to start is finding your personal BMR (basal metabolic rate). There are many BMR calculators available online that will do these calculations for you. This calculation will give the number of calories needed to maintain your current weight. From here, you can decide at what rate you want to lose weight and subtract calories from this number. To lose one pound, the body must be poor than 3500 calories. An individual can deduct those calories either through exercise or by deducting the calories in your daily food intake. Just cut 250 calories from your diet each day to calculate how many calories should I eat to lose weight, and walking moderately for 30 minutes five days a week, you may lose at least one pound per week.

Cut at least 250 calories from your diet every day should not be difficult. If you are a soda drinker, a good way to cut calories is to skip a can of soda per day. Sodas are full of sugar and chemicals and empty calories are com plete. This means that only hurts your body. Soft drinks have absolutely no nutritional value. Failure of the fast food line is also an easy way to reduce unwanted calories and fat in your diet when deciding how many calories should I eat to lose weight. It is well known that fast food is loaded with fat and unnecessary calories. Instead, opt for fresh salads, small amounts of protein and small amounts of complex carbohydrates like brown rice. If you do fast food waste to the smallest burger on the menu and remove the top half of the bread. Instead of fat fries for a salad, and instead of a soft rather than opting for water.

As you can see, “How many calories should I eat to lose weight?”, Is a question without a simple answer. There are many theories floating around that do not force a person to count calories, but most of these theories are a fad diet that is healthy and productive.

The good news is that it is quite simple to calculate how many calories you need to consume to lose weight in a nursing home. As long as you remember that you need to eliminate 3,500 calories in any way or shape of your body to lose a pound, it is easy to calculate what foods are worth eating and which should be avoided. Once you learn to eat moderately and exercise regularly, the weight starts to rise. Weight loss is not a safe bet, it’s just science.

20 Great Tips For Rapid Weigh loss

If you want to achieve rapid weight loss of the extra pounds, you should be careful what you eat and your activity level. With a program of rapid weight loss, identify what needs to change and include in your lifestyle tips after weight loss.

Tip1. Reducing calories consumed

One gram of fat contains twice the calories of a gram of protein or carbohydrates. Limit foods high in fat, choose products with reduced fat and calories, limiting the boot and remove fat from meat. You must include in your diet products with fewer calories, like fruits and vegetables. Good choice are the foods rich in fiber. Try to go from white to black bread and choose whole grains for breakfast.
Tip 2. Look at the size of food portions

The portion sizes of food have increased as the years pass, especially when it comes to ready meals and snacks. This means we consume more calories, and adapt quickly to eating bigger portions and do not feel congested. Restrict potatoes, pasta, rice, sweet and fatty foods and select fruits and vegetables.
Tip 3. Watch what you drink

Stop the consumption of beverages containing sugar and alcohol, and replace them with water, tea, coffee or drinks with artificial sweeteners and daily exercise. Sweetened drinks add more calories in the diet and not give rise to the feeling of fullness or satisfaction.
Tip 4. Eat a balanced diet

Remember the principles of a balanced diet, to include in your diet fruits and vegetables (at least 5 servings a day for his program of rapid weight loss), non-processed foods with more fiber, lean meats and lowfat dairy products fat.
Tip 5. Be more active

To be more active in your daily life does not necessarily mean sweating at the gym. Instead of the gym can use the following tips may indirectly help their efforts to lose weight :

Choose physical activities you like and try to spend more time each week in these activities
Incorporate more activity into your daily life
Buy a pedometer and count the steps that we do every day to its program of rapid weight loss and maintaining weight loss healty.

Another good way to become more active is to reduce the time they are seated. Limit the time at home watching television or sitting at the computer. At work, you can make regular breaks and you want to talk with a colleague you can walk to his office instead of sending the email as a point of weight loss.
Tip 6. Avoid “ quick weight loss diets”

These diets rapid weight loss that promise rapid weight loss should be avoided. At first they give you tips on losing weight fast, but in the long term are very difficult to follow. Often these diets to lose weight are very demanding and are not providing the necessary nutrients for the body. Diets that promise quick weight loss, suggests that some foods “can burn fat fast , usually food promote one or two, have many rules on how to eat and generally seem too good to be truth.
Tip 7. The yo-yo dieting

Many people with weight loss tend to regain weight afterwards. You can restrict this ability to make permanent changes in lifestyle and eating habits to maintain healthy weight loss . The best advice to improve their efforts to lose weight is exercise. Regular physical activity and exercise plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body weight.

(The following factors are important for permanent weight loss: changes in eating habits, regular exercise, realistic goals and the support of friends and family.)

(Although no one suggests that yo-yo diets are good, there is little evidence that they are harmful to your health. However, the results are disappointing and may lead to reduced confidence and mobility.)

You have to realize that in the period immediately after weight loss are at greater risk of gaining some weight and you have to take concrete steps to prevent it.

Remember to weigh them regularly. If you notice your weight increasing, take action immediately. Do not let a little failure to become a major problem.
Tip 8. Drinking green tea

In other end of weight loss, a recent study showed that green tea polyphenols and specifically katechines contribute to increased basal metabolism, helping the “burning” of fat.
Tip 9. Eat regular meals!

A daily serving of 2,000 calories for example, can be transmitted in 3 to 5-6 meals. But when there is division into 5-6 small meals a day (breakfast, for example, snack, lunch, late afternoon), then there are small (not large) changes in sugar levels in our body and especially of insulin , which is important for our metabolism and good burning fat and losing weight quick achievement.
Council 10. Caffeine does not help your efforts to lose weight

Caffeine plays a prominent role in many studies on weight loss with other substances (eg, ephedrine), but the effect on metabolism is small and a person should not expect to lose weight by drinking coffee. Its diuretic (which only exists in large amounts of coffee) under no circumstances be regarded as significant weight loss aid.
Council 11. For rapid weight loss diets not deprivation

If you’re determined to lose 5 kilos quickly, then it is likely to follow a diet of deprivation. Perhaps you are not eating nothing but grapefruit or cabbage soup every day. To reduce calories to less than 1,000 and, of course, see the pounds to go. But when you eat so few calories, in essence, to train your metabolism rate to slow down. Once you stop the diet, your body burns calories more slowly and you will gain weight faster than ever.
Council 12. Do not forget breakfast

Skipping breakfast seems like a simple way to cut some calories, but the result can be insatiable hunger for the rest of the day. This can lead to unplanned snack at the office, in large portions of food and that as a result increase the calories they consume. However, a breakfast, which is rich in protein and fiber, can reduce hunger throughout the day. In fact, research shows that people who eat breakfast every morning are more likely to maintain a normal weight.
Council 13. Do not underestimate the calories in snacks

Perhaps you’re carefully measuring the calories in each meal and forget about the sandwiches. There are some cookies in his office, a piece of cake made by a colleague, ice cream for their children, etc. All this in addition can sabotage your diet otherwise well-designed weight loss. If you take seriously the question of calculating the amount of calories you eat then it is better to use a notebook to write down everything you eat during the day.

If the constant consumption of snacks can destroy your figure, eat snacks wisely can do the opposite. People who eat several small meals and snacks a day are more likely to control their hunger and enable rapid weight loss. Snacks can help keep your metabolism high, especially protein-rich snacks. Nuts are a good choice and that are high in protein. Research suggests that people who eat nuts as a snack, they tend to lose weight fast lthan those who do not eat nuts.
Council 14. Beware of “light” products

Light products low in fat may play an important role in your diet. Just remember that low fat is not the same as low in calories and does not entitle you to consume a large amount of these products. If you fill your candy dish with little fat, you eat more calories than if you had a smaller piece of the “normal” candy. The best way to find out how much fat, sugar and calories you have is to check the label.

Snacks does not mean that foods with nutritional value out. Many light products contain large amounts of simple sugars to get your taste lost. This immediately provides calories, but often is less than full fat products. To help achieve rapid weight loss, the best thing to do is, therefore, read the food labels that state, often in detail, the calorie content but also the vitamins and minerals they contain.
Council 15. Do not forget the drinks also have calories

When counting calories, most of us tend to overlook our drink. It is a big mistake, considering that some types of coffee and alcoholic beverages are more than 500 calories. Even the calories in juices and soft drinks can add up quickly. The worst thing is that liquid calories are not limiting hunger. We will not eat less after receiving many calories in a drink.
Council 16. Water will not help in rapid weight loss, but …

Across the water, our body regulates temperature, eliminates unnecessary metabolic products, and carries nutrients and oxygen to cells. No drinking water is one of the most common mistakes people on a diet to lose weight . Water is necessary for burning calories. If you let yourself be dehydrated metabolism malfunction, and that means slower weight loss. Research indicates that adults who drank eight or more glasses of water a day will burn more calories than those who drank less. Therefore, try adding a glass of water with each meal or snack.
Council 17. Drink low-fat milk

Milk, cheese and ice cream are taboo for many people who are dieting, but the drop-down can be “counterproductive.” Some studies suggest that the body burns more fat when you get enough calcium and produces more fat in the absence of calcium. Calcium supplements do not have the same benefits, so that milk may have other ingredients that act as well. Most experts recommend staying in milk with low or no fat to help with weight loss diet raid.
Council 18. Not on the scale everyday

The daily weight is a recipe that causes confusion and gives no useful information. More important is the tendency to look over the long term and weighed every week. If your goal is to lose half a kilo a week, you will be pleased to see that you lost to get on the scale. The result gives you a greater reward than to see variations of scale and confused when weight daily.
Council 19. Do not set unrealistic goals

To tell you gonna lose 9 pounds the first week, you are doomed to failure. If you know that you will not succeed can not even start a diet. If diet and lose 2.5 kilos a week, instead of being happy and celebrating, you will feel satisfied that missed its target. The realistic goal is important to the success of a diet to lose weight. If you are unsure of what should be your goal, talk to a specialist to help establish your goals. Remember that diets with quick weight loss are too good to be true, so you need to be patient and set realistic goals.
Council 20. You need to exercise regularly

Intense exercise for two hours once every fortnight has no value for rapid weight loss. By contrast, someone who exercises daily, even 30 minutes, can greatly benefit from the many benefits of exercise for health, while laying the foundation for maintaining a desired weight and allows for rapid weight loss.

If you miss, it puts all the weight of the weight loss diet. If they become more active, you can eat more of the foods you like and still lose weight. The tip of the weight loss is finding an exercise you like. If you do not like the routine, try swimming, ballet, cycling or tennis, you burn more calories than walking. Spend time doing different activities to choose what you like and you can spend more days.

How Can I Lose Weight Fast

There are many advantages to lose weight and achieve a healthy body. Not only weight loss helps you get lean and slim body you’ve always wanted, but also put out a number of obesity-related diseases that can be acquired due to overweight. No need to focus on why you’re fat, you have to do is learn how to lose weight so fast that nothing is more fat than they already are. There are many weight loss programs and plans that each serve a different need. The best way to lose weight fast is to select the solution or the system to find the most appropriate for you and then implement in their daily lives.

The main reason most people fail at weight loss is that they have a proper plan defined in advance. Before applying the weight loss system you’ve selected for yourself what you need to create a plan that describes exactly what we will do and when we’re doing. Failing to create a weight loss plan that follows is one of the easiest ways to reach your goal and never get the body you’ve always wanted. Basically, unless there is a clear outline of the plan with specific targets and dates, then undoubtedly there is an error.

Before learning how to lose weight quickly, you need to ask how bad you want to achieve your goal. Having a strong will is the only way you will be able to successfully pass through this path and out the other side. Weight loss is quite difficult at first, but once you get used to the small changes you made in your life, then it will get easier as you go. So many people decide to join support groups or weight loss camps, which need the support and encouragement of others. Even if you know exactly how to lose weight fast , yet does not burn fat if you’re not motivated enough.

There are many ways to lose weight fast and as mentioned above has to choose what works best for you. To find a weight loss system that works best for you, ask yourself what you enjoy most. If you love food, then maybe go on a diet does not work for you and instead prefer to lose weight by exercising. Or maybe you do not have much time to exercise and are not picky about what you eat, in this case could go on a diet of healthy weight loss .

Most ways to lose weight fast revolve around one simple fact key, and this principle is exactly what causes you to lose weight. You will find that no matter how different they may be two systems, they all aim to achieve this in a key piece of the puzzle. However, some forms of weight loss abusing this system and provide thrust to weight loss that could be very harmful to your body. You should make sure you follow a healthy diet or program if you want a lean and healthy body.

The conclusion is that unless you know how to lose weight quickly and are determined to burn that extra fat in your body, then always stick to the body you have. Even if someone gave him a thousand ways to lose weight fast and weight loss tips, still will not be able to lose weight really no if it is willing to put in the effort required and the required dedication.

Lose Weight In A Week

Is it possible to lose weight in a week ? The obesity people are looking for ways to lose weight fast. This post will discuss weight loss tips and plans that you should avoid.

Low fat diet do not work at all. Foods that are low in fat have been around for over 10 years, however, our country seems to have more weight each year. Low calorie diets do not work and are not healthy for you. Limiting your body to a certain amount of calories a day is not very good for him. Your body needs calories for energy and fat burning as well. You can lose weight for a few days, but it will not last.

Low carb diets are good in theory but very difficult to pursue. For the average individual, it will be very difficult to follow the strict diet and foods to eat. Most people are easily bored and quit after a while. Programs like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers work, provided you can stick with it. They have an average of 2.3 pounds of weight loss each week, so take some time, if you are overweight. Most of you are looking for faster ways to lose weight, and fortunately there are alternatives like the ones below.

There is a good program called calorie shifting diet . It’s about eating the right foods at the right times. The system works for dieters who have failed other programs and plans, it is easy to follow and understand. Many people have had good results with this strategy, but must be used properly. If followed correctly, you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days. The main feature of this “calorie shifting” system is a diet generator that calculates your daily menu. You can easily personalize and put in the foods you like eating more. This is great because you can still eat the foods you like and still lose weight.

Losing weight is hard work, but if you follow through you can learn how to lose weight in a week. There are plenty of plans out there that are difficult to follow and implement because of how strict they are. “Calorie shifting” is not one of those. There are many happy users that keep losing 9 pounds every 11 days. Compared to other weight loss programs is very affordable.

Fast Weight Loss Diet

 Fast weight loss diets are popular because they promise rapid weight loss with little effort. While some of these weight loss plans are not healthy, and can even be dangerous, there are some rapid weight loss diets can really work. The key is finding a diet plan that emphasizes healthy eating habits instead of indicating that a person should only eat a certain food or group to reduce dangerous levels of calories to lose weight . Here are a few tips to help you decide on the search for a diet plan that fits your lifestyle better.

Being healthy is important - Fast weight loss diets should be safe or not worth trying. A safe diet should include all the recommended daily amounts of vitamins and minerals as well as protein and fiber. Failure to follow nutritional guidelines may lead to malnutrition and other health problems long term.

Getting enough calories, is very important not to cut your calories too low. To reduce to less than 1,000 calories per day for women and 1,600 per day for men, can cause irreversible damage to your body. Never go below this number a day or for long periods of time. Cutting calories too low can cause a malfunction of your metabolism, thus stagnating their efforts to lose weight. It can also cause many side effects that can do more harm than good.

Eating fruits and vegetables - If you find quickly the weight loss diets that stress from eating fruits and vegetables, which are probably going to work well for you while making sure that does not jeopardize their health. Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins, minerals and fiber that are needed for optimal health.

Low fat is what you should aim - low-fat diets emphasize the negativity of fats in the diet. While the body needs some fat every day, consuming even a moderate amount of fat per day can lead to many health problems, including heart disease pressure stroke, high blood pressure and more.

Taking dairy products are important products of low fat milk are good for you, contrary to what some experts say the diet. Milk is ideal to curb your appetite, provides much needed calcium in the body. Studies show that eating foods like yogurt, cheese and milk can slow the formation of fat cells and increases metabolism.

Eat moderate meat or at least some protein. Protein helps the body build and repair tissues and muscles, hormones and other mandatory functions throughout the body. Remember, however, that too much animal protein can cause damage to some of our vital organs, and should only be eaten in moderation, if at all.

Be sure to research the diet of your choice before deciding on any diet. As always, before attempting any of these or other quick weight loss diets, it is important that you visit your doctor so you can make sure you are healthy enough to diet this way.

Monday, 28 March 2011

A Weight Loss Swimming Routine

Today I want to discuss a good swimming routine for weight loss. It's fun, it's healthy, it's great to get that lean and mean Hollywood physique that is guaranteed to turn those heads at ANY pool! ;-)

This routine is practical for all that want to do something different for a change and especially useful if you can't run at the moment, for example out of knee or lower back trouble. It will keep you in good shape, burn fat fast and is fun to boot!

If an athlete in rehab wants to keep his heart and lungs in shape, if an obese individual simply can't run yet, this swimming routine will deliver every time. It's simple and yet powerful. With the swimming workout outlined here you will improve your energy levels and drop pounds in record time. It provides just the right hormonal response for optimize fat burning.

I recommend you go into this in a fasted state to make the very most out of your efforts. After the workout you might want to wait another hour or so before ingesting the 1st calories of the day. So in other words: in the morning, just after arising, usually is the best time for this.

Now... Are you ready? You sure? Here GOES...

The Routine: Warm up by swimming easy for two minutes.

That's enough. Steel yourself!

The workout starts by going hard at it for 60 seconds. Rest interval is 40 seconds. Not more, that's important! Then next you swim fast for 40 seconds, at a higher pace. Rest 30 seconds. Again, make sure not to exceed the rest interval. It's imperative for the accumulative fatigue effect.

Now do 30 seconds, as fast and far as you can. Take a breather for 20 seconds, then "sprint" for 20 seconds on, all out. That's right: 10 seconds rest only, hardly enough time for a breather and the you repeat the 20 seconds set another 2 times, each time rest just 10 seconds.

This is based on the "Tabata Protocol", and it melts fat like crazy!

If you feel like more (not too likely! ;-) ) you can do this: Do another 20 minutes of low-intensity, easy swimming to use up some extra calories.

That's all.

So here's your simple and extremely effective Weight Loss Swimming Routine to burn fat and get into GREAT shape asap!

I wish you a good time and good luck with all your weight loss goals!
P.S. For clarity, here's the workout notation:

Warm up:
60 on, 40 off
40 on, 30 off
30 on, 20 off
20 on, 10 off
20 on, 10 off
20 on, 10 off.

Additional and optional: 20 minutes continuous low intensity swimming to finish off.
Have Fun! ;-)

Weight loss without diet

Without hunger or frustration or drugs .. Twenty-five of these method from your nutrition experts to lose weight Besides Altvasi
• When you feel hungry between meals, chew celery burn it to a lot of calories, or eating some fresh fruit.
• Be sure to eat three meals a day at the same time, but Athml breakfast because they increase the rate of burning calories.
• Try to stand while talking on the phone or watching TV, and control the device without the use of remote control makes you much traffic.
• Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can.
• Keep away from your mind the idea that smoking reduces weight if you are a smoker quit smoking immediately and March, lightweight sport and you will notice the difference in the posture and skin.
• Do not use sugar, sugar substitute or sugar fruit factory.
• Use milk substitutes and low-fat cheese.
• If you are in love with chocolate or cocoa drink buy the kind that does not contain sugar or additional materials.
• Beware of canned foods because they contain many calories, and sodium used in the process of keeping these foods interferes with digestion, causing obesity.
• Do not take pasta or rice only once every two weeks and preferably replaced by type, made of brown land.
• back to eat brown bread, and chose the type containing the bran, which helps in the digestion process.
• Do not eat only natural unsalted nuts.
• Use olive oil cold pressed, it does not cause cholesterol.
• Wait at least three hours when moving from one meal to another.
• There is a lot of salt because it stores the fluid in the body.
• Drink 6 to 10 glasses of water a day they washed the body of toxins and fat.
• Do not eat chewing gum, even without sugar.
• Do not eat chicken skin is a store of fat and hormones.
• Do not eat lemon with proteins is also neutralizes enzyme "pepsin" responsible for the digestion of protein.
• Do not eat late at night so as to allow the stomach digest food efficiently.
• Replace the fries, boiled Palmchaoui.
• Always start eating green authorities.
• Beware of soups that contain the cream
And safety of obesity

Now your health the best with the best solution

Diet Solution for Improved Healt

Whether you are already suffering with health problems or simply want to minimize your risk of developing them, a nutritious diet solution can help. The best way to improve your overall health is to stay hydrated, get plenty of physical activity and eliminate trashy foods from your eating plan.

Remove Unhealthy Foods from Your Diet

Most of the foods you find in grocery stores are processed and littered with chemical additives. With all of the chemicals approved for use in food by the Food and Drug Administration, you never know what you're putting into your mouth.

When you eat chemical-laden processed foods, your liver has to work harder to flush the toxins out of your body. Over time, the chemicals can accumulate in your system and take a toll on your health. In addition to toxic chemicals, processed foods contain sugar and excessive amounts of salt.

Processed white sugar contributes to diabetes, weight gain, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease and weakened eyesight. Too much salt can cause hypertension, heart attacks and strokes. The best thing you can do for your diet is to eliminate processed food and replace them with nutrient-dense, natural foods.

Natural foods to include in your diet are lean meats, fish, whole eggs, fruits, vegetables raw nuts, seeds legumes and poultry.

Drink Plenty of Water to Stay Hydrated

One of the simplest things you can do to improve your health is to drink more water. This element is vital for every organ in your body to function properly. When you don't get enough water, you become dehydrated and your body won't perform the way it should.

Staying hydrated is an important factor in losing weight because dehydration can slow down the fat burning process. Also, drinking a glass of water before you eat can make you feel full and reduce the amount of food you consume.

There are a number of things that can cause dehydration, but not drinking enough water tends to be the culprit in most cases. Some signs that you are dehydrated include:

• being thirsty
• dark yellowish urine
• fatigue
• weakness
• chills
• loss of appetite
• flushed skin
• light-headedness

If you have any of these signs, drink water immediately. Some of these symptoms can signal other health problems. If you don't feel better after rehydrating, contact a doctor. If dehydration is allowed to persist, it may cause:

• muscle spasms
• chest pain
• abdominal pain
• seizures
• breathing problems
• confusion
• shriveled skin
• vision problems
• loss of consciousness
• death

To prevent dehydration, drink half of your body weight in pounds, in ounces of water each day. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces of water daily. Caffeine is a diuretic and can contribute to dehydration, so limit your intake of caffeinated beverages.

Get Enough Exercise to Improve Health

Sedentary lifestyles contribute to obesity and obesity-related illnesses like diabetes, heart disease and high cholesterol. Getting enough physical activity can prevent these illnesses and improve your overall physical health.

Not only does exercise improve physical health, it relieves stress and releases hormones in the body that make you feel calm and happy. For the best results, get 60-minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days per week. Ideas to help you get the exercise you need for improved health include:

• swimming
• biking
• rollerblading
• dancing
• playing tennis
• running
• bicycling
• aerobics
• kickboxing

If you are battling health problems or just want to feel your best, a diet solution that includes eating healthy, getting plenty of exercise and drinking the proper amount of water will certainly help.

source :
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Faster system for Weight Loss

The feeding system which is developed by a nutritionist German Hoff Mayer faster diet can decrease weight about 10 pounds, or about four kilograms in four days at a rate of kg per day, and that in certain cases have to lose weight quickly is necessary and absolutely vital, so I advise you to consult a specialist doctor Before starting to apply this system!

The system relies mainly on low-calorie foods and low in carbohydrates and fat levels to a minimum while being rich in protein and fiber.
It contains a list of food Hoff Mayer:
Breakfast daily

The fruit of grapefruit or orange medium apple or on an empty stomach + cup of tea or coffee without sugar + a piece of bread toast.


First day

Lunch: 2-piece hamburger or grilled filet + salad (lettuce, tomato) without oil or seasoning + a piece of bread, about 50 grams.

After lunch at 3 hours: medium-sized piece of fruit.

Dinner: boiled eggs well + a little green beans boiled about 250 grams.

After dinner, 3 hours (before sleep): a cup of fresh fruit juice.


Second day

Lunch: piece of meat sheep red about 100 grams (you can use two pieces Burger) + green salad without oil or seasoning + cup of tomato juice.

Dinner: boiled vegetables consisting of (zucchini and cauliflower and green beans).

After dinner, 3 hours (before sleep): apple juice without sugar.


Third day

Lunch: chicken pieces, skinned boiled or roasted (about 100 grams) + green salad without oil or seasoning.

After lunch at 3 hours: the fruit of apple or orange.

Dinner: Hamburger piece about 100 grams + grilled tomatoes.

After dinner, 3 hours (before sleep): a cup of prune juice.


Fourth day

Lunch: boiled eggs well +250 g boiled beans + cup tomato juice.

Dinner: two pieces of hamburger or grilled fillet of about 100 grams + power lettuce.

After dinner, 3 hours (before sleep): cup pineapple juice without desalination.

This method has shown impressive results and a marked decrease in excess weight, especially when you keep up with this system with the practice of sport light suitable start walking quarter of an hour a day.


first what weight loss ?

Whether you are trying to lose 5 pounds or more than 50, the same principles determine how much weight you lose and how fast your weight loss will occur. Remembering the following simple guidelines and putting them into practice can lead to weight loss without the aid of any special diet plans, books, or medications.

Our body weight is determined by the amount of energy that we take in as food and the amount of energy we expend in the activities of our day. Energy is measured in calories. If your weight remains constant, you are probably taking in the same amount of calories that you burn each day. If you're slowly gaining weight over time, it is likely that your caloric intake is greater than the number of calories you burn through your daily activities.

Everyone is in control of the amount of food he or she consumes each day, so our intake of calories is something we can control. To a major degree, we can also control our output of energy, or the number of calories we burn each day. The number of calories we burn each day is dependent upon
our basal metabolic rate (BMR), the number of calories we burn per hour simply by being alive and maintaining body functions

and our level of physical activity.

For some people, due to genetic (inherited) factors or other conditions, the resting metabolic rate (BMR) can be slightly higher or lower than average. Our weight also plays a role in determining how many calories we burn at rest -- the more calories are required to maintain your body in its present state, the greater your body weight. A 100-pound person requires less energy (food) to maintain body weight than a person who weighs 200 pounds.

Lifestyle and work habits partially determine how many calories we need each day. Someone whose job involves heavy physical labor will naturally burn more calories in a day than someone who sits at a desk most of the day (a sedentary job). For people who do not have jobs that require intense physical activity, exercise or increased physical activity can increase the number of calories burned.

As a rough estimate, an average woman 31-50 years of age who leads a sedentary lifestyle needs about 1,800 calories per day to maintain a normal weight. A man of the same age requires about 2,200 calories. Participating in a moderate level of physical activity (exercising three to five days per week) requires about 200 additional calories per day.